Lesson Schedule Plan

When I started with VIPKID I was teaching only a limited number of classes per week. I was hired in September 2017, and as rumors may have it, it does take a few months to build followers and a full schedule. Back in the early days, I had time to go through and read up on every student and every lesson.

Fast forward to now, and I am fully booked every week, teaching levels 2-6. I teach anywhere from 35-60 hours per week and have pulled all nighters, sometimes teaching 20+ students back to back! Phew it is a lot, it is tiring, but it is fun! I enjoy teaching and these kids are always surprising me and making me laugh!

I love it because yes it is fun, but it is also flexible. I decide when I want to work. If I want to make more money one month, I work more hours that month. If I want to take a 2 week vacation, I take a 2 week vacation. No. Questions. Asked.

2 week vacation.png


I truly love this job and I want to be the best teacher I can be. I keep my props and rewards organized, I have my makeup and orange shirt on, and I give each student everything I've got! Full TPR and weird faces for days, but I was struggling to keep track of my classes and students. The App does a great job of showing the information about the students, and the website shows the bookings and times. I needed a place where I could quickly see what I was doing and what was happening next. That is why I created my simple spreadsheet. I can look down quickly at my page and tell who I am teaching, when, how many times I have taught them, and what level they are in. 

I like to have the number of times taught to know how to introduce myself at the beginning of class. Do I ask their name or just say, hi to them? Next, I like to have the level they are in so that I know how best to start the lesson and where they are. I will adjust my speed and teaching style accordingly, but it is nice to have a place to start. I am not going to speak to a level 2 student the same way I would speak to a level 6 student. I have learned that you cannot tell just by their age what their levels are. I've taught 4 year olds who have better reading skills than I do. :) 

I usually fill the sheet out the night before I teach so that it is ready to go by class time! I added a space also for notes, if there is anything I would like to remember for feedback or anything thing else to note about how the class went. 

This spreadsheet has saved me time and kept me at my best for when I am working with my students! 

Check out the spreadsheet and give it a try! 

Hope this helps! 

It is also available for download at Teachers Pay Teachers

TeachingNatasha Luise