Best Electronics to Pack

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Here is a quick and easy list of all of the electronics to take on a trip.

I like to just pack a carry on bag for travel to literally anywhere. Not a big fan of baggage claim, or lost bags. I just like to have all of my things on hand and ready to go once we land. These items are small enough to fit in a carry on and even small enough to carry in your day bag when you are traveling around.

  1. Portable charger with multiple ports- These are awesome because you can plug multiple phones, cameras, speakers, USB things in at one time!

  2. International adapters- Needed for certain countries so that you can actually plug in that portable charger to use when you are out and about exploring the new places.   

  3. Pocket WiFi - On our trip to Madrid we rented a pocket wifi from Tep Wireless, and it was soooo nice to have WiFi on the road. It was easy to use and my husband and I were able to both be connected to it at the same time and use GPS or text, call, and calculate conversion rates.

  4. Phone- You can download maps from google to use offline as well as languages to use google translate offline as well. Plus, phones are good for all of the regular phone things, like calls, texts, photos, and social media.  

  5. Camera gear -Camera, GoPro, tripod- They make these items small enough now that you can literally carry all of these accessories in one bag.

Happy Travels!




TravelNatasha Luise