Surprise... it's Vegas

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So what happens in Vegas stays there, right? So I can't spill too much about this trip, but it was definitely one for the books! 

My sister-in-law turned 30 in June and her big sis planned this amazing surprise trip to Vegas.

A group of us were waiting in the dark of her hotel room at the Hard Rock Hotel, when she came into the room and freaked out a little bit to see us all there! The surprise was a success and we were ready to party! To celebrate the birthday of this wonderful, hard working, lady! 

Note: in hotel rooms these days, don't pick things up off of the counter unless you plan to pay for them... (snacks, sunblock, intimacy kits.. yeah that's a thing....) I picked up an item off of a sensor (yes I picked up the intimacy kit.... Hey! I couldn't tell what it was okay!) Anyway, I didn't realize it was a sensor and once it senses that the item is no longer there, it automatically charges the room. So apparently this is not a new invention, but I had never seen it so... there I was in the birthday girl's room, already creating charges to her room. Everyone in the room shouted, PUT THAT DOWN.... then they explained it to me. I immediately called down to the front desk and pleaded with them not to charge the room for my mistake! The person at the front desk was very helpful he laughed with me as I freaked out. He assured me that there were no extra charges made to the room! He said as long as I put the item back within 30 seconds of picking it up that I was okay..... YIKES. So there's that...

Okay, and back to the party time. We got ready and had a party bus to catch that took us around to a few different clubs and to the Vegas sign for pictures. The bus had alcohol, music, and air conditioning. We had fun riding around and taking snaps. This night was overall a success! 

The next morning we stuck to eating food in the hotel, there were lot's of yummy choices so that was convenient. The we got ready and were off to the Daylight pool party! 

Anytime there is a large body of water and lots of drunk party people, you can only image what types of things are floating around in that water, but screw it, we're in Vegas, and it's HOT! This pool party was fun! Great music, drinks, and we found our own space in the water to hang with our group! 

More food and naps were definitely in order, and we decided that we would stay in that night, despite the pep talk, "This is Vegas bitches" we were exhausted and the sun did a number on us at the pool party...Yes I am blaming the sun... 

Next day, some what of a repeat, food, pool party. This time we stayed at our hotel and did the Rehab pool party, which was just as gross and amazing as the Daylight pool party. The music was a little more techno-y than Daylight, but the pool had sand in the bottom!! YES! More sun more drinks, dancing and splashing around. Followed by food at the Pink Taco, more ridiculous snapchatting, and well I left my phone at the Pink Taco restaurant, but they were awesome and held it for me! Phew! 

The Hubs had never been to a show and Vegas so he and I decided to go see the Michael Jackson Cirque show! It was amazing! So many things to look at, my head was on a swivel the entire time! The dancing, singing, guitar playing, juggling and other fabulous acts were incredible and well worth it! 

The next day the rest of the crew had an early flight and the hubby and I had time to walk around the strip before catching our flight. My hubs is an aspiring whisky aficionado, so where ever we travel to he is always on the hunt for the new or the rare whisky to taste. We found a cigar bar that had a pretty large selection of whisky. He tried a couple new ones and after about an hour my eyes were huge swollen from the smoke of the cigars. They weren't even close to me but since they were in the area I guess my face was not with it! 

We kept on our journey along the strip and I saw the sign.... It definitely opened up my eyes!

Guy Fieri's Vegas Kitchen- I have watched my fair share of Food Network, enough to know that this place is famous for one of the most beautiful culinary experiences known to mankind:

The Mac 'N Cheese Burger

The options were to keep walking along the strip for the next hour or so before we needed to head to the airport, or stop and eat. 

Not a question.

This thing was amazing, sooooo good! I didn't even know how to act. I was doing the happy dance with every bite and shed a tear when it was gone... And the fries. Like fries are fries right, but the cool thing was that there was a mix of crinkle, straight and waffle fries in the same basket.... beautiful! 

We made our way to the airport and back to Montana... 

Sad to leave, but there's only so much Vegas that you can handle after a few days... plus we knew that in two weeks, most of the group that was in Vegas, would be meeting up again ....

In Jamaica! 

Vegas was a great time with great people !


I am still dreaming about that burger....... 


TravelNatasha Luise