Create Your Own Happiness

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You choose to be happy you can't blame others for your unhappiness.

If you don't like something in your life change it. Stop making excuses and blaming anyone besides yourself.

Stop settling.

It is frustrating to want to help and work with others who don't care. Care for yourself, respect yourself.

If you know what to do to help yourself, but don't do's your own fault if you are unhappy. It is easy to get stuck, it is easy to settle, but it isn't easy to be so unhappy, it sucks. Being angry is okay but you have to let it go.

Why why why would you hold on to the turmoil, it makes you SICK!

When there are circumstances in your life that you have power over and you can change, but you choose not to change, that is just infuriating to me.

Sometimes in life, circumstances come up that we don't have control over and we have to adapt and overcome, this is hard, yes, but not impossible.

But if the ball is in your court, and you can make a difference for yourself, but you choose not to.... I don't even understand how this happens!


Maybe you will lose your anger, maybe you will lose the chance to blame others and maybe you'll have to take responsibility.

Say it isn't so!!

Taking responsibility for what you've done or what you HAVEN'T done CAN BE HARD I get that, it's not easy to admit our faults. It's embarrassing, it may make you feel like a failure, and it may make you feel disappointed.... AT FIRST.

Admit when you are wrong and then GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON. Or continue to let that turmoil fester, which leads to you feeling anger, feeling sad, depressed, sick, tired, and pissed off!

It's your choice, seriously, if you hate your job, change it, you're unhappy in your relationship, CHANGE IT. If you are unhappy with yourself, figure out what you want, how you get there, and what is stopping you!?

Excuses are killing your happiness.  Excuses are myths that we create to destroy our own dreams.

Stop making excuses and start making a change. You are the only you that you will ever have. Why not be a happy you? 

If you need help, there are tons of resources that you can use to get you to a better place with yourself. My website offers a personal development membership as well as courses that are coming soon! 

So really, stop waiting for happiness to find you....GO GET IT!