Treat yo Self

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OK if anyone knows where this line originated it was from the awesome Donna of Parks and Rec! She and buddy Tom Haverford would treat themselves as a holiday and take themselves out and spend money and splurge on all the things that they deserve because they worked hard and they earned it! Why not have a day where you can spoil yourself, get pampered, get all the things that you want, have a shopping spree, eat fancy food all of that!



Now I’m not saying that there’s something wrong with this because I love to treat myself ever once in a while, but for the purpose of this post I’m not meaning to go treat yourself to go drop a lot of money. To go buy things that maybe you don’t need or whatever, I’m saying you need to find ways to treat yourself that can be more consistent that can help you feel good and also be something that you can repeat frequently.

I don’t know about you, but personally those big splurge, pamper, shopping spree days are not something that I can have a lot of all the time. You know, my bank account doesn’t work like that...but I do feel that there are a ton of ways to treat yourself, maybe on a smaller scale. This way you would still be able to maintain sanity, to feel some peace, and to really show yourself some gratitude!  

Below, I will list my top 3 ways to treat myself to some self-care like I just don’t care! Check them out and if you have any suggestions please feel free to send me what you like to do for self-care or how you treat yo self!

-Take care


Self-Care like you just don’t care!  

  1. Reading-For me this means reading a book or a magazine. I love magazines either something that has to do with travel, or business or even for fun! I like reading books about peoples lives and memoirs or also just funny books books that are made just to make you laugh! When I can find a book that works for me, I really jump into it and it kind of feels like a luxury to sit and lay around and just read and get lost inside the book, the  magazine, or even an audiobook.

2. Writing- writing for me shows up in a few different ways. I like to write up things about personal development, and self-care. I am a counselor so I do like to write up lesson plans and create guides and resources to help people and students and anyone who cares to read them! If they will be helpful for them to make a decision or set a goal or whatever it might be that they’re trying to do to deal with, I like writing stuff like that. For me writing is self care because it feels nice to know that right now all I have to do is write I don’t have to worry, don’t have to stress out about anything just take my time and get the thoughts in my brain out! That feels good because then they’re not  swirling around my head all day. I also like writing just how I’m feeling I like writing down my own goals I like writing down thoughts that I have, random dreams that pop up. I have probably about 52 or so notebooks that are just filled up with random writing, plans, ideas, schedules, lists and more lists and I just haven’t had the heart or the desire to go through go through them and throw them away so they’re all in my office just stacked up. Sometimes I go back through them like wow that was a great idea, I never did anything with it but I still have it so I can use it now! I will I’ll type it up and use it as as a resource or as something to help, so I like to write. 

 3.  ‘Rithmetic.  Just kidding! I felt like that was something that needed to be said: reading, writing, rithmetic... but all seriousness, what I do for self-care is trying a new activity. In an effort to continue learning, because that something that is usually exciting to me, is to find something new and to learn more about it. I like to try different activities whether that’s like a craft on Pinterest or learning a different game or sport. Cooking a new recipe, or trying to play an instrument. Trying something new not only brings excitement, but also takes you out of your comfort zone, (which by the way is where you grow)! There is also a playfulness to trying something new that can be so stress relieving! 



Natasha Luise