New Year, Better You

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New year better you

A lot is said about new year new you. The ball drops and it starts a sort of chain reaction for folks to be new, this year will be different. This year I will completely change everything. Drop bad habits and pick up new ones easy peasy right. Wrong.

Setting goals is fun, I fall into the allure of setting goals monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily. I map it all out. A fitness schedule, a meal prep plan, and daily routine. It takes me hours to develop, then, of course, it takes me a few more hours to get this plan typed up, add graphics, print it out and hang it on the wall. Wow now I am pooped. It is a beautiful and great plan that is set up and will work great for the new me. Since I am so tired, though, new me starts tomorrow….

The problem is, I am not new. I am the same me. I will not wake up the next day and follow this plan to a T. I may get some of the things done, some of the time, but without fail, this ‘game plan’ is in effect for about a week, if that. Then I find myself back into my regular or ‘old’ routines. Days weeks months go by and I haven’t even looked at the game plan. Feelings of guilt creep in and I find ways to rationalize them away. Until hey, it’s a new month, this is the month for change. This is the month for new me! But I obviously have to develop a new game plan because clearly the last one did not work and needs revisions.

So it begins again, more time wasted to develop this beautiful plan, printed, signed sealed delivered, all to be forgotten again.

So this time I am taking a different approach. No new me. I am realizing now that I cannot just be a new me. And honestly I don’t want to be new. I like me. Old me, or whatever you want to call it. I truly do like who I am, though there are things that I would like to do better at.

Instead of becoming a new person, I want to develop this same awesome person that I already am.

I need to have a shift in mindset to help focus my ‘goals’ this way I can think of them as making slow and steady changes, rather than trying to be and do something that I am not, or quite frankly, don’t want to be.

Starting with goal setting. I know what things I want to improve on and am narrowing them to 2 categories.

Time management, fitness and health

I will start the miracle morning up again, because I remember the effects it had on good ‘old’ me and I really liked it. This will help to focus my day, and make me feel accomplished within the first hour of being awake!

Fitness and health, no elaborate plans here, I need to eat right, less carbs, no junk food, no added sugars, and no drinking calories. I also need to workout. Got it.

This is the only game plan I am setting for myself and I will give myself a timeline to reassess and evaluate changes being made. 3 months. In March I can review my productivity, as well as weigh and measure my body to determine the changes.
Also, going on vacation in March, should help as a motivation, to get back to the ‘old’ me and fit in my bikini again...

*For more about the miracle morning check out: