Year In Review

NL- Year in Review 2019 Blog.png

The joke that January was the free trial month for 2020 is ringing so true for me! Yes, I may be a bit late here, but this is my journey and it has taken me a month to really get clear and reflect on what last year meant to me. 

2019 was a roller coaster. Looking back at the highs and lows of the year, there were different parts of life that were in full effect:

Health and wellness- in the beginning of last year, I was highly motivated, meditating, working out, eating clean- realizing that now that I can say I am in my 30s, that my body just doesn’t behave how it used to. 

Career- I transitioned from a substitute school counselor at a virtual school, to being the school counselor at a virtual school. In the summer, I was promoted to the manager of school counseling and was thrilled for the opportunity. 

Travel- I took some amazing trips last year, mostly in the States and some for work, some for vacation, and some for some real family time. 

Family- Knowing that we were coming up on 3 years in Minot, I knew that we would be getting orders soon, but had no idea where we would be going next. Some of our options included California, Louisiana, Wyoming, and the wildcard, Belgium. At the end of summer, we learned that we would get the amazing opportunity to move to Belgium. Shortly after, and when I was in Washington for work, I got the call that my Grandma had days left to live. I knew that she was not doing well, as I check in and call my grandpa almost everyday, but it still came as a heartbreaking shock. I went back home immediately, and got to spend the last few days with her before she passed. Grief is honestly so weird and so personal, and I am still trying to figure all that out. My Grandma, who moved to the States from Germany, with my Grandpa, is such an inspiration to me! I hope that I can channel her bravery, her generosity, and the way that she loved so purely! I miss her everyday. 

After this, the motivation declined, I learned that I was not able to keep my job. Though it is a virtual school, and I worked mostly 100% remotely, they wouldn’t allow me to do so from overseas. I wanted to be with my family and now I needed to figure out exactly how to move to another country. Most people’s response is that the military does the move for you, which is so helpful that they cover a lot of the costs and have folks come in and pack the boxes and take them out of your house. But there’s a few more steps and logistics that have to be understood and figured out before the day you actually fly out. 

We spent the holidays with family, which was amazing, and hard, because our move date is Feb. 14,  2020 and we wouldn’t go back to visit before we move. 

Looking back on the year, it was so many things. It was fun, it was devastating, stressful, terrifying, joyful and exciting. There were many tears, and many laughs, sometimes both at the same time.

This year, there will be challenges (there already has been), but I am hopeful and positive that this year will bring opportunity, love, and many adventures! I am open and ready to jump in, here’s to being brave!

-Immer Lieben

Self CareNatasha Luise