Why Not Minot?

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Back when it was a bit nicer weather out, Brian and I spent a day exploring Minot! We got to capture a pretty solid day.

We caught the sunrise, we walked around downtown Minot, where we discovered things we didn’t even know were there! We ended the day just walking the dog around the neighborhood. It’s days like this that I cherish, even to just get lost in your own backyard! 

This post is going up on the day and time that we are flying out of Minot and heading to our new home for the next 3 years, in Belgium. 

I have had quite the run here in Minot, and it is crazy to know that it is coming to an end. 

Of course, being a military spouse, there is always a chance that we may return to previous duty stations, so I can’t say that I will never come back to Minot, because it is quite possible. 

On the chance that I do not return to Minot, I have composed a letter expressing my thanks for what I have learned here: 

My Dearest Minot,

You have taught me so many things in alllllll the time that I have spent here, and I am forever grateful to you for the lessons. 

You taught me what it means to be cold, and to RESPECT Mother Nature

You taught me how to adapt 

You taught me how to leave uncomfortable situations without feeling guilty 

You taught me what is truly important in my life 

You taught me how to get out of a funk…. Even if that means to stay in it for longer than I’d like 

You taught me to stand up for myself no matter what 

You taught me how to expand my resourcefulness and creativity

You taught me that everything is figureoutable 

You taught me how to be a dog mom 

You taught me that wherever I am, family and friends are just a call/text/drive/flight away

Minot, you taught me to go for my dreams, because,

Why Not?

Travel, Self CareNatasha Luise