Throw Back Travel

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I just realized that I have been in a school environment, either attending school, or working in a school, since I was 5. Dude! I am going to be 30 this year! That is kind of crazy to me, but almost more crazy is the amount of stuff that I have kept over the years from my different school experiences. I have notebooks and folders and worksheets and binders full of my notes and assignments and doodles. 

It is kind of fun for me to go through them. They are almost like a diary of my life and experiences. I can remember the things that I was going through in my life, at that time, just by going through some of these old documents. 

Recently, I took a trip through my notebook from Fall 2008 semester when I spent it on a ship with the program, Semester at Sea. What an incredibly life-changing experience that was for me and I blame this experience for why I have such the travel-bug now! 

While going through the pages, I found some funny notes that my cabin-mate and I wrote back and forth to each other in our classes. I also found the ship news bulletin that informed us that because we were crossing the International Date Line, that we would have 2 November 22nds. haha wake up on Nov. 22nd go to sleep on Nov. 22 Wake up the next day, hey it’s Nov. 22nd… very Groundhogs Day-esque….

I found some more silly memories, part of the script from The Vagina Monologues that some of us performed at sea, and the invoices that showed how much money I spent on cheeseburgers and phone cards. I also found some heartbreaking memories, like the notice to all shipmates that one of our own was killed in a tragic car accident while out in Hong Kong. 

All of these experiences and memories are so dear to my heart, even after 8 long years, I figured, I must have kept these things for a reason, so now I will put them to use! 

In trying to keep up with the times and everything social, I have decided to start #TBT 

This is my take on Throw Back Thursday except mine will stand for Throw Back Travel… I may not have actually created this concept, and I may not actually post on a Thursday… but I think it's cool.   

This way we can still share cool stuff about travel, even if we aren’t currently traveling somewhere! 

I found journal entries from every country that we visited along the way and I will post them here under the TBT Travel section of the blog! 

If you are reading this and you have a cool TBT to share, I would love to read about it, and post it here as well, (with your permission of course)! Just email your story to 

TravelNatasha Luise