Luxembourg Weekend

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Oh Luxembourg! 

I loved it here! We decided on a last minute weekend to Luxembourg which is a tiny country nestled up cozy between France, Belgium, and Germany!

We started this trip on a Friday evening and I was so gung ho about starting our journey here in Vianden. From my extensive research (Google, Pinterest, and Lonely Planet) I knew that I wanted to see this adorable town with my own eyes! Plus…. There’s a castle on a hill, oh yes please! 

The drive in to Vianden, from Belgium, at night in the rain…. Kinda creepy… but we made it safely to our little hotel, Hotel Belle Vue.  This hotel was pet friendly, had an option for breakfast, a spa, a pool, and our room had a view of the castle! Waking up in the morning we could see Vianden Castle, on the hill, without getting out from under the blankies!   

Hotel breakfast buffet style with tasty breads, meats, cheeses, pastries, mimosas, coffee, espresso! Filled up, grabbed the pup and off to the castle we go! It was about a 20 minute walk from the hotel to the castle and an adorable walk it was. So quiet, not a lot of people out and about, overcast skies and cobblestone roads. It felt as if we stepped onto a movie set. Brian thought it was spooky, and I kinda dig those spooky vibes! 

The castle was amazing to see from all angles leading up to it. We paid 16 Euros to get in and although our doggo was not allowed inside the castle, he was allowed to walk around the grounds. 

Click below to view or book some fabulous experiences in Luxembourg

After exploring some history and wearing out the pup, we headed back down to the town to grab some food and head off to our next stop, Luxembourg City. 

What a change of pace this was! The city definitely had more hustle and bustle. We stayed in a hotel directly in the middle of it all! Which we prefer as we like to be able to walk to all the things! 

We stayed at Le Place  D'Armes Hotel. Can we say cuuute! From the colors and the decor, when we got inside, I did not want to leave this hotel! This place also had 3 restaurants, and a bar. One of the restaurants has a Michelin Star, fannnncy! I tried to see what that means as far as food and prices, when I saw that some folks had dinner there for 350 Euros, I opted for McDonalds and a nap! 

Maybe one day we will check that fine dining experience out, but this time, we checked out the bar. Mainly because we saw that they were allowing dogs in there and we thought that was pretty cool! I ordered two orders of tapas (on accident) and we had double meats, breads, cheeses, chilies…and more we figured that this might take awhile, so we ordered a bottle of Rosé and sat back and enjoyed… with the pup on my lap of course. 

Luxembourg City, and where we were located was a prime location for great shopping, restaurants, bars, and views. 

We spent the next morning walking around the city, seeing the sights from the Chemin de la Corniche, listening to an orchestra play in the city square, whilst drinking espresso from tiny cups… Yeah, I was digging Luxembourg. 

Sunday afternoon, and checkout time, we headed back to Belgium… Next stop,
