
NL- Challenge.png

This month I am going to challenge myself, and others to do something with their time. Hey,  it is going to go by no matter what, might as well DO something about it!

Here's how this challenge works:

Step 1

Set a goal or reevaluate a goal that you already have for yourself: Is it still as important to you as it was before? If it isn't.... That is okay. It is okay to change your mind. Maybe you realize that isn't what you need to do at this point in time. Maybe something has changed in your life and circumstances and what you thought was a priority, maybe isn't anymore.  Hey, that is okay! With this step you ultimately want to decide what your goal is and decide why it is important for you to reach. What is reaching this goal going to do for you?

Step 2

Narrow down that goal: Break it down into easier, more attainable goals. Baby steps people! This way, you take your goal from huge and scary, to tiny steps that you can take daily. By the end of March, you will not only have accomplished one awesome giant goal, but you will also have accomplished a number of daily goals that led you to your finish line!

Step 3

Game plan: Plays, strategies, schedules, specifics. What do you need to do everyday to reach those daily goals? These are going to add up to you reaching your ultimate goal! This is like the practice, finding out what you need to do and when you need to do it. Figure out how you are going to do it and how long it will take. When you have this plan in place, it makes it a lot easier for you to follow through. Your plan is like your map. It's one thing to make the goal, but without the plan, it is easy to get lost.

Step 4

Get after it: Game time is here, time to perform! You know where you're going and you have your map to get there, now go! Write down, think about, or talk about those daily goals that are going to help you reach your ultimate goal. Mess up. Hey it happens, there are multiple routes on a map that will get you to the same destination. If your goal is something that you truly, truly want, you will find a way to get there (even if you take the long way)! YOU GOT THIS!

Even though this challenge will have us accomplish one goal in the end, it is all of the tiny goals that we accomplish along the way that make the difference. All of these accomplishments will make us feel so productive!

Imagine all of the check marks that we will have on our to-do lists if we complete a tiny goal, everyday for this month!